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Woke culture is beginning to divide even the best allies of the liberal left: the media

If protecting the African American community means promoting neo-segregation, then Martin Luther King jr. he certainly fought in vain

The woke culture is not only trampling America as we know it, but it even manages to divide the greatest allies of the liberal left: the media. An interesting diatribe comes from the States between Bill Maher and Whoopi Goldberg, respectively hosts of Real Time with Bill Maher and The View . Maher, who calls himself an old liberal , finds it inconceivable that at the beginning of football games the NFL (National Football League) has imposed two national anthems, namely the official one alongside the Black National Anthem . What better way to tear the country apart than to have an anthem specially intended for African Americans?

There is more: the host of HBO also lashes out against the author-racist drift of many university campuses, where there has been a return to dormitories divided by race. Meanwhile on Abc star Whoopi Goldberg, from the height of his intellectual superiority, does nothing but approve of this further slap in the face of common sense.

It is the "neo-segregation" and it comes from that intellectual enclave that would like to defend minorities from the alleged systematic racism that permeates the nation. According to a study by the National Association of Scholars reported by the National Review , of 173 public and private institutions, 43 percent have separate dormitories, 46 percent offer separate educational programs, and 72 percent organize divided graduation proclamations. They are not data relating to America in the 1950s, but to that of 2019.

Maher, who certainly cannot be placed in the conservative camp, shudders at Goldberg's desire for re-education. And we with him. Subverting America from within, destroying what past generations have built, is exactly what Critical Race Theory , promoted extensively by Black Lives Matter and a substantial section of the American left, is doing.

If protecting the African American community means supporting voluntary segregation, then Martin Luther King jr. he certainly fought in vain. The old battles for civil rights are light years away from those who proclaim identity pride by virtue of resentment and conscious separation, and therefore acceptable. It is the result of a neo-Marxist path that is highly dangerous for the stability of a composite society like the American one.

Where the almost total opposition of the Republican world was known, the position taken by some Democratic exponents arouses pleasant surprises.

Among the best known anti- woke are Tulsi Gabbard (former Hawaii congressman) and James Carville (former Bill Clinton's political strategist). Also worthy of attention is Eric Adams, candidate for mayor of New York, a former policeman and therefore opposed to "Defund the Police" , the mantra of his party's radicals.

It is of great relief to know that there is still someone capable of thinking for themselves, even where political correctness reaches levels of intellectual short-circuits with no return.

Those few Democrats still connected to reality should be asked for the responsibility and audacity to put a stop to the wave of the far left that is engulfing their party, the country and the now dominant digital world. Unfortunately, with his presence in the White House Joe Biden is not doing much to rebalance the nation, despite the great calls for unity of his inauguration. Moreover, as many have already pointed out, his agenda is also largely hostage to radicalism.

The word now goes to the minorities which, let us remember, are first of all individuals, not categories. It is up to them to judge whether the choices of their favorites are really vectors of social revenge or turn out to be dangerous signals from the past.

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This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/la-woke-culture-comincia-a-dividere-anche-i-migliori-alleati-della-sinistra-liberal-i-media/ on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 03:46:00 +0000.