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100% tax credits: Poste Italiane is back in the field, but only for some

Poste Italiane reenters the arena of tax credit buyers, but with a fierce restriction: this opportunity is reserved exclusively for natural persons, and the maximum limit is set at 50,000 euros. A return to the scene that sparks, but with a partial opening, as underlined by CEO Matteo Del Fante on ItaliaOggi .

The purchase of tax credits is divided into different ranges in terms of purchase prices. It starts from 85.5% of the nominal value for credits accrued through the superbonus over 4 years, up to 70% for tax credits linked to interventions with a ten-year recovery period, such as building renovations and eco-bonuses, just to name a few.

But be careful, the path to obtaining this purchase is littered with obstacles. First of all, the natural person transferor must communicate the transfer on the Revenue Agency website only after having received contractual acceptance from the Italian Post Office.

In this initial phase of reopening, tax credits already subject to previous transfers will not be accepted, including those resulting from invoice discounts. Furthermore, only tax credits will be assessed in which the transferor has used a tax intermediary recognized by the Revenue Agency for the transmission of the "tax credit transfer option exercise form," together with a sworn representative. This condition also applies to credits in which the sworn person is not required by law, as in the case of the restructuring bonus.

The list of required documents is structured and detailed. The transferor will have to upload a series of documents online which will be carefully verified by Poste Italiane advisors. This evaluation involves subjective and objective aspects, and loading times will be graduated according to the indications provided by Poste.

The documents requested include copies of the certification of the works carried out, the declaration of the certified person on the conformity of the works with the value of the property, including a professional stamp. Furthermore, it will be necessary to provide a copy of the professional civil liability insurance policy of the assessor, complete with identity document and professional card.

We don't stop here: documents relating to administrative authorizations for the works, self-declarations regarding the requirements required to take advantage of the construction bonuses, and copies of invoices or other expense documentation, including bank transfers, are also required.

Finally, since bonuses based on invoice discounts are not permitted, documents proving the transferor's income or financial capacity will be requested. In other words, Poste Italiane has put in place a rigorous and detailed procedure to ensure that tax credits are purchased transparently and in line with current regulations.

So, while the opportunity to sell tax credits to Poste Italiane is back on the scene, it's clear that the path to taking advantage of it is littered with stringent constraints and requirements, testing the resolve of sellers and ensuring an accurate assessment of each request. Furthermore, this is only a targeted solution reserved for a minority of private individuals. Condominiums or major renovations, or those who have already transferred the credit, are excluded. More of a palliative than a solution.

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The article 100% tax credits: Poste Italiane is back in the field, but only for some it comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/crediti-dimposta-100-torna-in-campo-poste-ma-solo-per-alcuni/ on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 15:00:11 +0000.