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Economic Scenarios

134 DEAD AT 13. What is the real health emergency?

The COVID-19 case bulletin of August 26 for Italy reports 13 deaths. Yesterday there were 4. Every life is important, certainly, even those of these dead in these days. But I would like to write a few lines to make you think about a fact.

In 2019 ANSA reported on a boom in hospital infections for sepsis in Italy. In 2016, the number of deaths from this cause had gone from 18,000 in 2003 to 49 in 2016. Taking a daily average, there are more than 134 deaths a day from the banal, very painful gangrene.

Why is covid-19 a government mobilizing emergency and hospital infections aren't?

For some trivial reasons:

  • no big pharma will become a billionaire more than it is for the discovery of a frontier antibiotic for hospital use;
  • no virology guru will be able to go and preach on TV on this issue;
  • this argument directly recalls the responsibilities of the various governments that have succeeded one another and which, by cutting more and more resources, have contributed to the explosion of these deaths. Without a decade of budget cuts, hospital sanitation would probably have been better, security measures tighter, research into more advanced solutions, and fewer deaths;
  • this battle would only save lives and would never authorize extreme measures or the birth of an autocratic government. based on the Dpcm.

So the covid-19 is an emergency, the dead from sepsis are not, even if their causes would be more easily dealt with, and immediately. Even medicine in the end is a question of mere power, the tool to hide the failure of a social and economic policy behind the emergency for the virus. But failure is visible, tangible, and we are all paying the cost.

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Article 134 DEAD TO 13. What is the real health emergency? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/134-morti-a-13-quale-la-vera-emergenza-sanitaria/ on Wed, 26 Aug 2020 19:25:20 +0000.