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2022 will be the year of rebirth

Wishes 2022 Positive Currency

Wishes 2022 Positive Currency

2020 was certainly the worst year of the new millennium, but 2021 was the year of the paradigm shift.

2022 will be the year of individual and collective rebirth.

I have summarized this wish in this short two-minute video.

The economic and health emergency of 2020 forced humanity to face an unprecedented crisis, with an unexpected destructive capacity that caused, willy-nilly, an otherwise unthinkable paradigm shift in 2021.

"Crisis" comes from the Greek "krisis" which means "choice", "decision", whose etymology leads back to the verb "krino", " originally used in the agricultural field with reference to the final moment of the wheat harvest, when the grain of the wheat it was separated from the straw and chaff ”. https://www.corriere.it/cultura/parola_chiave/C/crisi.shtml

So the crisis can also be understood as a great opportunity, if we are able to separate the good from the bad, we will be able to undertake an evolutionary leap that allows us to explore new horizons and new possibilities.

The crisis corresponds to the autumn season, when the leaves fall and nature prepares for winter, a season where everything seems to die. In reality, that is the time to cut the dead branches and to prepare the plant to grow new branches and new leaves in the spring, which in the summer will even allow the birth of new fruits.

Now let's see what are the deadwood that we will have to definitively cut in the economic and health fields according to the experience lived in 2021 and that I had already anticipated in this article at the beginning of the year: https://vcomevittoria.it/nel-2021-possiamo- just-improve / .

The deadwood to be cut in the economy

Before 2020 the whole of humanity was blocked for years within different paradigms that never allowed the resolution of the economic crisis we have, but rather aggravated it:

  • the imposition of austerity policies;
  • the expansion of monetary policies;
  • the need to reduce public debt;
  • the ability to self-regulate the markets.

These paradigms had already been questioned in 2019 by authoritative personalities such as Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde and Ursula von der Leyen https://vcomevittoria.it/la-moneta-e-un-bene-pubblico-che-apparende-alla- people / , so well before the alleged pandemic broke out.

But the economic crisis generated by the restrictions for the Covid-19 emergency in 2020, gave the final blow to these paradigms and convinced everyone of the need for a radical change in the economic policies of the States, with the unreserved adoption of policies expansive for which the public debt must no longer be considered a problem.

In 2020 I had already highlighted three radical paradigm shifts that would have been unthinkable in previous years, because they were carefully hidden in mainstream communication:

  • money can and must be created out of thin air to stimulate economic growth and support the internal demand of citizens and businesses, and not just to fuel the speculative bubble on the financial markets, to the benefit of less than 1% of the richest world population;
  • the money created must be used directly in the real economy, through public spending and to get out of the economic crisis, and not only injected into the financial markets with Quantitative Easing to support the values ​​of financial securities;
  • public debt can be increased without problems if it is monetized through the purchase of government bonds on the financial markets by Central Banks with Quantitative Easing, but we cannot and must not stop doing it, otherwise we will have the collapse of the markets financial and consequently the real economy.

But 2021 made it clear to everyone the importance of some proposals we have been making for years and which were finally approved in 2020 to then produce the greatest results in this last year:

  • with the Law Decree n.142 definitively approved in the Senate on February 6, 2020, the transformation of MedioCredito Centrale MCC into a real Investment Bank is started, through a capital increase to allow it to purchase the Banca Popolare di Bari, realizing the first public bank that has branches over a large part of our territory, especially in the center and south, which allows you to open a public bank account that is not subject to bail-in;
  • with the "Relaunch" Law Decree n.34 definitively approved in the Senate on July 16, 2020, the 110% Superbonus was established which for the 1st time in Italy and in the world, allows the transfer to all of the tax credit, which in this way it becomes a payment instrument very similar to a fiscal currency owned by the state, which does not generate public debt or force the payment of interest.

The dry branches to be cut in healthcare

In 2020, the whole of humanity was caught unprepared by an alleged pandemic that generated paradigms that did not allow the resolution of the health emergency, but rather aggravated it:

  • the imposition of restrictive policies based on social distancing and lockdown;
  • the forced use of mass vaccination, including with new control tools;
  • the belief that vaccines can prevent the spread of the virus;
  • the hope that vaccines can avoid the disease generated by the virus.

These paradigms were completely disproved in 2021, when the reality of the facts amply demonstrated that the alleged scientific basis on which these paradigms were built proved to be fallacious:

  • restrictive policies based on social distancing and lockdown have not prevented the spread of the virus and the development of the disease, but above all they have generated an economic disaster of biblical proportions;
  • the forced use of mass vaccination, even with new control tools such as the green pass, has not convinced the entire population to undergo this health treatment, but rather remains a hard core that is convinced it is a mistake;
  • vaccines do not prevent the spread, contagion and spread of the virus, especially after a few months from the completion of the vaccination cycle, and despite the additional doses administered which increase the probability of adverse events;
  • Vaccines do not prevent disease but can cause short, medium and long-term adverse events, which have already seen an increase in overall deaths, especially in the younger and healthier population, the one who had nothing to fear from the virus.

But 2021 made it clear to everyone the importance of some alternative solutions that we too have proposed in some of our studies and that we sent to the institutions in 2020 https://monetapositiva.it/le-proposte-di-moneta-positiva/ and that today in retrospect we can say that they were spot on and would certainly have produced better results:

  • protect and isolate the people most at risk, who are the elderly and already affected by one or more serious diseases, because they are those most at risk in case of contagion;
  • immediately use drugs and treatment protocols that have already demonstrated their effectiveness and the reduced possibility of adverse events in the dosages used in previous years;
  • reinforce local medicine to avoid not only the aggravation of symptoms and the disease, but above all to avoid the saturation of hospitals and prevent treatment of much more serious diseases;
  • letting the virus circulate, protecting and isolating the people most at risk, would also have made it possible to achieve a certain herd immunity more quickly, certainly more stable and lasting than that generated by vaccines which needs constant recalls.

But we must also admit that the austerity policies of the last 40 years, with continuous cuts to healthcare that have led Italy to have a number of beds that are decidedly lower than the European average, makes our healthcare system insufficient to deal with annual emergencies.

Our Healthcare must return to being one of the best excellences in the world.

Fair and sustainable wellbeing

Today the economy is based on money, profit, debt, competition and the destruction of the environment, but within this paradigm there is no room for individual and collective well-being, which should instead be the goal. principal.

As long as we continue to measure the economy with Gross Domestic Product, society will always be characterized by three dys-topies: the increase in unemployment, inequality and the destruction of environmental resources.

As Robert Kennedy said " GDP measures everything, except what makes life worth living ".

We can and must recover the true definition of the economy, which for centuries has always been linked to the well-being of people:

“The economy organizes the use of scarce resources, in order to best satisfy individual and collective needs”.

In other words, it must take care of equitable and sustainable well-being for all.

Our Economic Renaissance Plan

2022 will be the year of the Rebirth and of the change of economic and social paradigm.

Our Economic Renaissance Plan is described in two Bills n.1769 and n.1945 https://monetapositiva.it/le-nostre-proposte-nelle-istituzioni/ , which are currently under discussion in the Finance Commission of the Senate and they also have good transversal support from all majority and opposition parties.

The idea is to use technology and innovation to create new trading instruments with fiscal and monetary value, which can solve the financing problems of the real economy:

  • the bank current accounts of a public investment bank such as MedioCredito Centrale, which acquired Banca Popolare di Bari and could also acquire Monte dei Paschi di Siena, are able to increase the supply of credit to businesses and households, avoiding the problems of liquidity typical of periods of recession and creating a new exchange instrument with public banking value;
  • savings current accounts where transferable electronic government bonds can circulate, allow citizens to protect their savings, to produce an appropriate return and to create a new exchange instrument of financial value;
  • the fiscal current accounts where transferable tax credits can circulate, make it possible to finance the public expenditure of the State and to create a new exchange instrument with a fiscal value that does not increase the public debt.

The Economic Renaissance Plan has entered the institutions and is illustrated by the senators of the M5S Sabrina Ricciardi, Mario Turco, Emiliano Fenu and Stanislao Di Piazza in their interventions in Parliament and in interviews, as an Internal Self-financing Plan capable of realizing a new vision of the economy.

In this way it is possible to relaunch the economy by using our internal resources and without being obliged to borrow with subjects outside our borders, through the financial markets.

2022 will finally be the year of the Rebirth, because we finally have the awareness of some priorities that have now become urgent:

  • putting equitable and sustainable well-being for all at the center of our goals;
  • create new tools to satisfy our individual and collective needs.

We have an extraordinary opportunity to plan and realize our future and improve our and our children's lives, but we must be united and aware.

Because THEY won't give up easily, but WE WILL NEVER give up.

© Fabio Conditi – President of the Positive Money association


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The article 2022 will be the year of rebirth comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-2022-sara-lanno-della-rinascita/ on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 15:58:19 +0000.