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Economic Scenarios

36-year-old restaurateur destroyed by closure and debts, What to do?

Here is a case that could be emblematic of thousands of others in Italy waiting for an answer: a Roman restaurateur opens a restaurant in the summer of 2019, after huge investments financed with debt. After a few months of work, covid-19 arrives and its premises are forcibly closed.

Without any economic income, with laughable "Refreshments", without even a long history of turnover to be able to hope for financing or more substantial aid, he is evicted first, so he is on the verge of bankruptcy.

How many stories are there like this, of people desperate not for their own faults, but for government decisions, closure and non-repayment? This is the real challenge of Draghi, the one that cannot be solved with a game of ministers. Here are hundreds of thousands of people in despair, not a group of oligarchs trying to save their seats or get one.

In the interview, some legal tips on how to use constitutional and legal protections to save yourself from debt and not become a victim of it.

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The article Restaurateur aged 36 destroyed by closure and debts, What to do? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ristoratore-a-36-anni-distrutto-da-chiusura-e-debiti-che-fare/ on Sat, 13 Feb 2021 09:15:27 +0000.