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Economic Scenarios

A small gesture that keeps us awake. From you, for us

Today let's talk a little about us, about Economic Scenarios. With an average of 25,000 page views per day, we think we do well our function of informing our readers with particular news, which give an uncommon vision of the modern world, after all our motto is "The world from another angle ". We are a group of free bloggers, who publish what they consider interesting and useful for everyone, but this, instead of rewarding us, penalizes us.

Economic Scenarios was demonetized about two months ago by Facebook, which hides political information not coming from official sources. Scenarios is excluded from advertisements deriving from Google, despite the fact that all articles written, apart from those of pure opinion, report real data and sources. However, this does not matter so much to those who "fight against disinformation" from the top of their multi-billion dollar offices and the public and private funds committed to this purpose. Strange that governments and the European Commission commit enormous funds to fight against "Fake news", but nobody spends a cent on freedom of speech .

In the face of all this we would be pleased, we would honor your help. A coffee is more than enough, let's call it “Scenari's paid coffee”. You can do this via Paypal, at [email protected], or, for now, by visiting some advertisement, or by sharing us on Facebook. But soon there will be news, we hope for all positive.

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The article A small gesture that keeps us awake. From you, for us it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/un-piccolo-gesto-che-ci-tiene-svegli-da-voi-per-noi/ on Tue, 11 May 2021 08:00:00 +0000.