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Amazon Service… will also be available in the Zombie Apocalypse! The curious clauses of the Amazon contract

Is Amazon gearing up for a Zombie Apocalypse? If someone reads your terms of service they might think so …

It seems to Amazon are the AWS services, Amazon Web Services, the set of web services offerings, from IT platforms to cloud storage space, has terms of service that regulate the ways in which customers can access the services themselves. You can read these rules at this link . A particular rule is applied for the "Lumberyard materials", that is the services connected to the creation of 3D games on the AWS platform:

The rule, 42.10, translates as follows:

42.10. Acceptable use; Safety-critical systems. Use of Lumberyard Materials must comply with AWS Acceptable Use Policy. Lumberyard materials are not intended for use with vital or safety-critical systems, such as use in the operation of medical equipment, automated transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, aircraft or air traffic control, nuclear facilities, spacecraft with crew or military use in connection with live combat. However, this restriction will not apply in the event of a widespread viral infection transmitted by biting or contact with bodily fluids resulting in the resuscitation of human corpses and seeks to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to bring about the downfall of organized civilization.

So this game platform CANNOT be used for critical applications, such as medical, EXCEPT in the case of an infectious form that turns humans into Zombies! Why is there such a rule?

  1. Amazon expects a full-blown Zombie apocalypse to occur, and it's gearing up;
  2. At Amazon there are some lawyers with still, fortunately, a little sense of humor who have prepared a clause suitable for nerds who normally design games on 3D platforms…

So it is a touch of humor even in the coldest legal contracts. At this point you could even imagine a DPCM suitable for the Zombie Apocalypse, even if it seems that the bureaucrats who write certain rules are not attractive to the Living Dead …

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The Amazon Service article… will also be available in the Zombie Apocalypse! The curious clauses of the Amazon contract comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/amazon-service-sara-disponibile-anche-nella-zombie-apocalypse-le-curiose-clausole-del-contratto-amazon/ on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 13:00:34 +0000.