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AMSTERDAM, A CITY THAT RESTS ON THE BABY. Consumption data of European cities from wastewater analysis

Statista provides us with some data on the comparative use, peer city and by country of the most widespread illegal drugs. we thus learn some data which, however, appear extremely plausible.

First of all, which is the European city with the highest consumption of cocaine, all calculated by the European Center for the control of drugs and addictions? Here's the answer in a pretty comprehensive infographic:

therefore Amsterdam is the city with the highest residues of cocaine in the wastewater per thousand inhabitants, therefore, unless the Dutch do not throw away the drug for pleasure, it is the one with the highest per capita consumption, followed by Zurich, Copenhagen and Geneva. A tax haven, two finance cities and a seemingly perfect Nordic city are the European cities with the most drug use. The position of the party-goer Barcelona is good, while Brussels is in the ranking, perhaps to overcome the boredom of the European Union. Paris are last in this ranking. Italy out….

Let's now see what the use of white powder is at country level, with the percentage of adults using this type of drug out of the total population:

so over one in 40 Britons use cocaine, but more than one in 50 Spaniards. Italy is rather behind in the ranking.

What about chemical drugs? How's it going with the extasy pills? Here too Holland is the host

3.5% of the Dutch use extasy, practically one in thirty. Ireland follows with 2.1%. We see that the Irish are trying to overcome the boredom of the climate.

What happens to "Soft" drugs, like marijuana?

In this case the Latin countries, Spain, France and Italy are in the lead, with even very high percentages of use, over 10%. Then follows the Netherlands, just under 10%. In short, in the south more "Relaxing" drugs are appreciated, but with very high diffusion.

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The article AMSTERDAM, A CITY THAT RESTS ON THE BABY. The consumption data of European cities from wastewater analysis comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/amsterdam-una-citta-che-si-regge-sulla-bamba-i-dati-dei-consumi-delle-citta-europee-da-analisi-delle-acque-reflue/ on Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:26:34 +0000.