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Economic Scenarios

An epochal change is about to hit us. Word of Saxo Bank

Here are the forecasts for the future of Saxo Bank , a well-known Danish bank, regarding the near future. Huge socio-political upheavals are expected, epochal events, which risk canceling world powers or trends that now seem carved in marble. A bank doesn't write these things lightly, so here's a summary of the report's content:

Space Race and New Cold War
In 2022, the rise of hypersonic technology and spatial confrontation would increase the rivalry between the United States and China. As other major players with advanced military technology join the race for dominance, including Russia, India, Israel and the EU, a new Cold War could erupt on multiple fronts. As a result, companies dealing with hypersonic technologies will be inundated with funding, while those producing traditional war equipment will run dry.

Delayed green transition
The spike in commodity prices, including due to unrealistic deadlines in the green transition, would drive up inflation, forcing governments to give up their climate policy plans. Environmental restrictions on new investments in oil and gas production would be relaxed for at least 10 years to reduce the risk of social unrest due to rising food and energy prices.

Medical revolution to improve life expectancy
Saxo Bank expects a major breakthrough in medicine next year: Scientists will create a "cocktail" of medicinal agents that regulate processes at the cellular level, extending a person's life by 25 years or more (remember Frank Herbert's Dune and 300 “Standard years” of life expectancy? Well, that's close). Another revolutionary discovery – DNA editing, which involves "rewriting" potentially dangerous cells – will make most diseases a thing of the past.

American democracy will die amidst constitutional and economic crises
After the Senate and House of Representatives elections in 2022, parties will oppose the confirmation of the vote. As a result, a new Congress will not be formed, with Biden in power only by special order. A full-blown constitutional crisis in early 2023 and an "existential crisis" in the world's largest economy due to inflation of 15%, invisible since World War II. It would be the end of the USA and a vrt push

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The article A sea change is about to hit us. Saxo Bank's word comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/un-cambiamento-epocale-ci-sta-per-colpire-parola-di-saxo-bank/ on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:17:21 +0000.