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Another alleged accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide in prison

According to the French newspaper Le Parisien , former modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel was found dead in custody. The 74-year-old Frenchman, allegedly a girl scout for Jeffrey Epstein's benefit, was indicted in December 2020 for "rape of minors" and "sexual harassment". The accusation was that of having provided scouts with part of the girls involved in his child prostitution ring.

The suspect had also been investigated for "aggravated trafficking of human beings to the detriment of minor victims for the purpose of sexual exploitation", a subject on which he had also given testimony.

According to the newspaper, the 70-year-old was found dead from hanging himself last night in his cell in the Paris health prison. He was found around 1am during the night patrol. He couldn't be revived, a prison source said. This bears a striking resemblance to what happened to Jeffrey Epstein, found dead hanged in his cell in the FBI prison in Manhattan.

Obviously, an investigation will be opened to trace the causes of death entrusted to the 3rd district of the judicial police. His death in this case means the extinction of public action, unless other people are involved. therefore no more investigations in France on the ringing of minors and, above all, on the clients of the elites who were involved in it. Exactly as happened in the Epstein case, these suicides allow us to silence a story whose implications have never been completely clarified. It seems impossible that a profitable tour like the one put in place by Epstein, with the help of Ghislane Maxwell, will be silenced. Currently only Maxwell is alive.

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The article He commits suicide in prison, another alleged accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/si-suicida-in-carcere-altro-presunto-complice-di-jeffrey-epstein/ on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 16:37:43 +0000.