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Another blockade of the USA vaccine obligation. He doesn’t get one right

Biden administration's vaccination obligations hit yet another legal hurdle as a judge blocked a Covid vaccine requirement for federal contractors on the basis of an appeal before a federal judge.
This order was supposed to go into effect on January 4, but is now facing a nationwide halt thanks to the decision of a federal judge in Georgia. The case in point, Georgia v. President Joe Biden also includes plaintiffs from the states of Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, South Carolina, Utah and West Virginia.

Biden's attempts to enforce mandatory vaccinations against Covid-19 have faced a number of legal challenges. This stop comes after another judge had stopped the vaccination requirement for companies with over 100 employees. All in a series of appeals that, in the end, will most likely end up in the Supreme Court.

In this case the accusation that made the judge decide was that of having made "unprecedented use of power", arguing that the government is violating the rights of workers and observing that the obligation does not distinguish between the activities of the various contractors .

Executive Order 14042 is surprising, not only because of its enormous breadth and impracticable deadline, but also because so little attention has been paid to how it will work in the real world, ” the judge said in the decision.

In the end, vaccination obligations are often legal boomerangs, especially in the US, even if the President signifies the sum of executive power. We will see how vaccination obligations will be applied in Europe.

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The article Other blocking of the US vaccination obligation. It doesn't get one right, it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/153030-2/ on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:00:31 +0000.