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Are there more transphobes or more no-covidvaxfobes? Let’s update the Zan DDL …

You have shattered the most holy ones for years with the issue of "phobia" and "discrimination". We must not be afraid of the different and we must speak with the tachometer, so as not to offend anyone. Otherwise there is the risk of hurting the "sensibilities" of others. And you have exasperated this concept so much (in principle right) that you have reduced it to a grotesque parody of itself. It has become almost impossible to argue, and even preemptively reflect, except in the way you teach to be "politically" or "ethnically" or "sexually" correct. And whoever strays from the right path is a “phobo-something”: an Islamophobe, a homophobe, a lesbophobe, a biphoe, a transphobe.

You have shredded humanity into a myriad of "minorities" to protect such as pandas or monk seals. And not because you really cared about the various artfully created tribes from time to time, but just to regiment intelligences. And then to impose a one-sided discourse, a plastered debate, a single lexicon with which it is literally impossible even to dare to think or speak "otherwise". If not at the risk of being accused of spreading hatred.

Well, do you know what is there? There is that this hypocritical passion of yours for minorities, this your crusade against phobias, this anti-hate paranoia of yours now you will have to learn to put them into practice with a new minority: those that you – with your innate manipulative instinct – have baptized no. -vax. Well, my friends, this scornfully defined category is a minority in the country today. And therefore it must be protected like all the others from any form of discrimination.

And what better way to insert it within the Zan bill itself? It will be sufficient to modify art. 604 bis of the Criminal Code: "Unless the fact constitutes a more serious crime, the following are punished: a) with imprisonment of up to one year and six months or with a fine of up to 6,000 euros whoever propagates ideas based on superiority or racial hatred or ethnic, or instigates to commit or commits acts of discrimination for racial, ethnic, national or religious reasons or based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or legitimate personal choices in the political sphere, social and health ; b) with imprisonment from six months to four years who, in any way, instigates to commit or commits violence or acts of provocation to violence for racial, ethnic, national or religious reasons. Or based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability or on legitimate personal choices in the political, social and health fields ".

This will make it possible, for example, to penalize discriminatory behaviors towards students. Such as, for example, the psychological, perhaps even physical, even intimidating pressures to which students who did not want to access the salvific serum will be subjected. Pressures, and consequent actions, legitimized by the infamous article of the new decree which provides that classes with all vaccinated will be able to remain without a mask.

In fact, legitimizing an ignoble, and indirect, hunt for the student refusing to use the vaccine. Thus setting up a real gymnasium of hatred, discrimination, resentment, bullying and violence precisely in that environment (the school) where exactly opposite values ​​and behaviors should be sown, and made to grow. If there is an MP with the "so-called", propose this change tomorrow morning. We test the self-styled champions of all minorities, the champions of the fight against hatred. If we want to make them evolve, let's ask them a question and ask them for an answer: are there more bifobes, more transphobes, more lesbianphobes or more no-covidvaxfobi? After all, it's all very simple.

Francesco Carraro


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The article Are there more transphobes or more no-covidvaxfobes? Let's update the Zan DDL… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ci-sono-piu-transfobi-o-piu-no-covidvaxfobi-aggiorniamo-il-ddl-zan/ on Mon, 09 Aug 2021 13:24:01 +0000.