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Are we back to 1940? It would be enough to learn from the mistakes of history in order not to drag the country into devastation once again.

On 10 June 1940 Cavalier Benito Mussolini declared war on France and the United Kingdom. After ten months of "Non-belligerence" he made this decision, which tragically went down in history for Italy and for him, because from that day to the barrage of Giulino di Mezzegra, if you believe the official stories, it was in a certain way an almost marked path .

Let's avoid political and moral problems, and consider purely economic, military and industrial situations: Italy was completely prepared. It was in the midst of the so-called "Military Transition", it was changing the organization of the army after the very expensive wars of Ethiopia and Spain. They were changing artillery, rifle calibers (from 6.5 to 7.35), looking for automatic weapons, testing tank prototypes, designing the first modern aircraft, the first aircraft carriers, the first radars. It was no coincidence that the general staff of the army, navy and air force indicated 1943 as the year in which we would be fairly ready. For history buffs, the MC205 and G55 fighters would have arrived in 1943, the first Italian fighters at the level of the allies, we would have had a first Italian medium tank, the P26 / 40, we would have had the first Magneti Marelli radars. Above all, the industrial apparatus was completely unprepared: after all we had had the austerity of Quota 90 and not the expansive policy of Keynes. We weren't quite ready, but we went to war. Because?

  • Mussolini thought he would sit at the winners' table with minimal sacrifice;
  • He had received assurances of Germany's material support

Franco made a different choice and died in his bed thirty years later. Mussolini trusted his allies, generals and a completely wrong judgment of the world strategic situation.

Many years have passed today, yet Italy is being drawn into an economic war with a superpower in a similar situation: we are completely unprepared. It is not a political judgment, but based on the real economic and industrial situation. Italy's unpreparedness and weakness are there for all to see:

  • we have a strong energy dependence on this country on which we would be about to declare war, which cannot be replaced in the short term without enormous damage;
  • our economic system is in advanced de-industrialization and is falling apart;
  • a system of binding and absurd rules prevents us from overcoming these problems.

In a similar situation, tragic from an economic point of view, we are at the point of declaring an economic war on the verge of real war. As then it seems that our government completely ignores our industrial, economic and even political situation. Let's leave out the military one which, if possible, is even worse than 1940. As then, it trusts in allies who will not help us, rather who are our adversaries and competitors. As he then seems hypnotized, unaware of what is happening. How then will the Italians be the first to pay for these mistakes.

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The article Are We Back to 1940? It would be enough to learn from the mistakes of history in order not to drag the country into devastation once again. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/siamo-tornati-al-1940-basterebbe-imparare-dagli-errori-della-storia-per-non-trascinare-unaltra-volta-il-paese-nella-devastazione/ on Mon, 21 Mar 2022 22:48:40 +0000.