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Economic Scenarios

Are we facing a new 1848? Will only the Russians save the reactionaries?

The problem with the rulers, and their assistants, is that they do not like history and think, with extreme arrogance, that they can ignore its teaching. When society changes, but politics remains in the hands of mechanisms that pretend nothing has happened, then a small provocation is enough to cause an upheaval.

We are back to 1848: an absolute and arrogant bureaucracy, daughter of the "I am me and you are nothing", made up of former '68 who have learned nothing, but have betrayed everything, they hold power and think they can manage it ignoring any the feeling of the people. We give two data:

  • the only truly majority government in the country, truly elected by the people, was the yellow-green one, which lasted a spring and replaced by that of a party that manages to hold a slice of power only because it has so discouraged and disgusted the Italians from not letting them vote ;
  • even in Agorà, a Rai program, therefore an expression of the government, they confirmed that the Italians opposed to the Green Pass who support the protests are a third of Italians. How much can a government, which calls itself legitimate, allow itself to repress a third of its population, to ignore it?

We add a powerful trigger that is slowly accumulating, ignored by the media, underestimated by the bureaucrats who govern us, happy in their bubbles, but which is biting every Italian: the explosion of energy prices and many raw materials. In this field, the government's response, the two billion allocated for 2022, is a frankly laughable move: in the face of the doubling, minimum of spot gas prices and a surge in electricity prices, what was an eighth of the 2016 decarbonisation incentives.

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The article Are we facing a new 1848? Will only the Russians save the reactionaries? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/siamo-di-fronte-ad-un-nuovo-1848-solo-i-russi-salveranno-i-reazionari/ on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 07:00:29 +0000.