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Are you black and live in Oregon? You don’t need to know how to read, write or do arithmetic to graduate

For the next five years, an Oregon high school diploma will not guarantee that the student who earned it can read, write, or do math at the high school level.

Governor Kate Brown signed law 744 , proposed by the Senate, on July 14 last day, without any publicity, in silence, so much so that it became known after things were done and, until the end, she hid it. So she found herself in the need to defend her choice. The Deputy Director of Communications said that, for five years, the minimum requirements for knowledge of the written, spoken language and knowledge of mathematics are suspended, but only for "Oregonians of color, Latin, LatinX, indigenous Asians, islands of the pacific, tribal and of color in general. Whites will have to study.

The goal would be to overcome racial differences while waiting to define new standards of knowledge and new teaching methods. In the meantime, however, no increase in the educational budget has been requested in favor of minorities …

. "The leaders of those communities have advocated fair graduation standards over and over again, along with more learning opportunities and supports," Boyle wrote. We now have some doubts that serious community leaders actually want to be responsible for a generation of young people who cannot fully read.

This is the most racial policy imaginable. If you were an employer who needs more than just a person serving coffee at a table, you would trust a guy who hasn't had to take even a minimal math exam, or you would choose the one who did it successfully. Among other things, this implies that there are ethnic groups who are unable to pass an exam. Are we kidding? We go back to the terrible thirties of the last century.

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The article Are you black and live in Oregon? To graduate it is not necessary that you know how to read, write or do arithmetic comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/se-nero-e-vivi-nelloregon-per-diplomarti-non-e-necessario-che-tu-sappia-leggere-scrivere-o-far-di-conto/ on Wed, 11 Aug 2021 06:00:18 +0000.