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Economic Scenarios

Are you complaining about the price of petrol now? You will see what will happen from 2027. And you wanted it…

After petrol was sold at a service station at 2.7 euros per liter and at motorway service stations it has been selling for a long time above 2 euros, to pay the royalties to the motorway company, the same which then also charges you the toll, the media ran to the charge. Not being able to talk about serious matters, i.e. about who and what is holding back the solution to Italy's problems, they threw themselves body and soul into petrol and oil operators, presented as a sort of gang of speculators.

In reality it would be enough to make a few considerations to understand how much this campaign is nothing more than the umpteenth use of a weapon of mass distraction. Not because petrol and diesel (and LPG…) aren't expensive, but simply because the situation has been like this for some time.

Just consider that:

  • excise duties are enormous, but they haven't been touched for years, except for a temporary reduction. It's not a problem today;
  • VAT on excise duties is unfair, but it has been a discussion for years;
  • oil is not at its peak, yet.

So we are at the classic mass distraction. However we play this game. You know what will happen from 2027, right? Do you know why they explained it to you, or not?

From 2027 fuels will fall under the scheme of "EU carbon credits" which will have to be paid to the Commission because fuels emit carbon. This will be an additional excise duty. Let's see what the Euroactiv website says:

The EU institutions aim to limit the new carbon price to a maximum of 45 euros per tonne of CO2 emissions, which equates to a surcharge of 10 cents per liter of petrol and 12 cents per liter of diesel.

But according to experts, this price could be exceeded, as the price dampening mechanism provided by the law cannot guarantee that the price will not rise.

“Everything is basically possible in terms of prices,” said Michael Pahle, an expert on carbon markets at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

“It cannot be said that the additional price stability mechanism can actually guarantee that the price does not exceed this level,” Pahle told EURACTIV, referring to the €45 maximum cited by policymakers.

“That doesn't mean that [the price] is definitely going to skyrocket,” Pahle added. “But precisely because we know so little about price formation in the new ETS, it is equally possible that we will have very low prices as well as very high prices” .

So from 2027 fuel prices will grow AT LEAST another 10-12 cents per litre. At least because the norm is such that the impact is currently incomprehensible. You wanted this European excise tax and you support it every time you hear a speech on “Climate change” or support, even if only out of sympathy, those who protest for the “Fridays for future”.

Can this infernal mechanism be stopped? Yes, but only if you send to Parliament those who oppose this type of regulation and, in 2024, can try to stop them. Then you can also start protesting against the communication of the various news programs that adore these religious, non-scientific dogmas on climate change without criticism: you can write to the editorial offices or boycott the products advertised by the networks, you can do it. In America, boycotts blow up companies.

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The article Are you complaining about the price of petrol now? You will see what will happen from 2027. And you wanted it… it comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vi-lamentate-del-prezzo-della-benzina-ora-vedrete-quello-che-accadra-dal-2027-e-lo-avete-voluto-voi/ on Fri, 18 Aug 2023 06:30:11 +0000.