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Economic Scenarios

Asia will be the next energy queen

Which continent will be the king of energy in 2025? As Katharina Buchholz of Statista reports, according to the International Energy Agency, Asia's share of global electricity consumption has increased rapidly from about a quarter in 2000.

China is the main driver of this transformation. While in 2000 it used only 10% of the world's energy, in 2025 the share is projected to rise to 33%.

Although China's population growth has reversed, rising living standards continue to drive up the demand for electricity, for example for air conditioning. Other major Asian countries are expected to grow in population until the second half of this century, which means even greater electricity demand as these nations increase in population and progress in their development. Asia has increased the use of renewable electricity sources but, due in part to its huge demand, also relies on coal-fired electricity in many places. China, for example, has massively increased both sources of electricity.

Despite the ongoing construction of coal-fired power plants, emissions caused in China are expected to start declining soon, while remaining at a high level. Due to different development timelines, emissions from other Asian countries are expected to continue to increase. However, their individual share of Asian emissions is much smaller, albeit still growing.

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The article Asia will be the next energy queen comes from Scenari Economics .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/asia-energia-2025/ on Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:00:40 +0000.