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At what point is Europe in eradicating covid-19? (spoiler, whoever isn’t there wins …….)

At what point is Europe in eradicating covid-19, considering the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants? Statista gives us a very interesting infographic that explains where the different European countries are.

These are the data updated to April 13 and indicate the cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. It is no surprise that the country most advanced in covid-19 divestment is the UK, where 50-year-olds are getting vaccinated. The cases literally collapsed. But second is Spain where restaurants and theaters are open, even if you only dine outdoors: it is not that outdoor life is avoiding the spread of Covid-19, as several scientific texts state. So Germany and Italy.

At the end of the ranking, with very similar data, France, Hungary and Sweden, who use very different approaches, and therefore tell us very little about the right strategy to follow. France is implementing a lockdown, Hungary is not, but focuses on vaccines, Sweden has a light lockdown. What do environmental factors matter?

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The article At what point is Europe in eradicating covid-19? (spoiler, whoever isn't there wins …….) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/a-che-punto-e-leuropa-nel-debellare-il-covid-19-spoiler-vince-chi-non-cee/ on Thu, 15 Apr 2021 17:59:42 +0000.