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Economic Scenarios

ATTENTION! Today the European Parliament votes to extend the Green pass for another year. WE WILL PUBLISH WHO VOTES IN FAVOR

Practically at this moment, Thursday noon, the European Parliament is voting for the EXTENSION OF THE GREEN PASS FOR ANOTHER YEAR. The Green pass was promulgated to last only one year, expiring on 30 June 2022, but today the extension of another year is being voted on, which Hon Rinaldi will vote against, like the League delegation in the European Parliament. the theme, however, sees a great contrast between the various forces.

We recall that the Green pass was introduced last year with a vote of the European Parliament which provided for the tool only as a facilitator of travel and transfers between the various countries. then instead it became a real instrument of political repression.

We will publish the names of the Italian deputies who voted in favor of the extension!

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The article ATTENTION! Today the European Parliament votes to extend the Green pass for another year. WE WILL PUBLISH WHO VOTES IN FAVOR comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/attenzione-oggi-il-parlamento-europeo-vota-la-proroga-del-green-pass-per-un-altro-anno-pubblicheremo-chi-vota-a-favore/ on Thu, 05 May 2022 10:05:20 +0000.