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Economic Scenarios

Australia: radicalization of repression leads to radicalization of protests. Next step will you shoot the crowd?

During the pandemic, the Australian government chose to enact severe restrictions to combat COVID-19. These were followed by increasingly restrictive measures also for public order. After the sixth lockdown since the start of the pandemic, anti-lockdown protesters in Melbourne have had enough of the draconian measures against the virus and expressed their opposition in the streets on Saturday. A demonstration in Melbourne suburb of Richmond turned violent when police attempted to shut it down. Protesters broke through the police line in an epic fashion, despite the fact that there were 2,000 policemen in the area with indiscriminate use of pepper spray.

The illegal demonstrations took place as the metropolitan area suffers its sixth blockade since the start of the pandemic, with the larger state of Victoria reporting over 500 infections today.

Victoria police commander Mark Galliott told local media that these protesters "did not go out to protest freedoms, but simply to confront and argue with the police." The lack of understanding of the motives of the demonstrators and the radicalization of the repression will only lead to a worsening of the protests.

One consequence of the pandemic was freedom of expression as the right of assembly was banned under the pretext of stopping the spread.

By criminalizing the peaceful protest and forcing the authorities to intervene, the Australian government is making the situation worse as it would attract even more freedom-loving people to the streets to protest against tyranny. What's the next step, shooting the crowd?

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The article Australia: radicalization of repression leads to radicalization of protests. Next step will you shoot the crowd? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/australia-la-radicalizzazione-della-repressione-porta-alla-radicalizzazione-delle-protesta-prossimo-passo-si-spara-sulla-folla/ on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 19:42:20 +0000.