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Austria imposes GENERAL VACCINAL OBLIGATION and lockdown. What if it won’t work?

Austria crosses the limit set so far and passes to the general vaccination obligation and other draconian measures. Chancellor Alexander Schallenbergle announces on TV , measures that will apply nationally and are politically supported by the ÖVP (EPP), the SPÖ (S&D) and the Greens. These include:

  • The nationwide lockdown applies from midnight and initially lasts 20 days. After 10 days an evaluation is carried out. This means that the lockdown will initially last until 12 December at the latest.
  • For those who have not been vaccinated it lasts after 12 December. will continue to stay there.
  • Students will continue to have face-to-face lessons . For all school levels it is mandatory to wear a mask in buildings, children can stay at home without a medical certificate.
  • The third vaccination is recommended or distributed from the 4th month onwards throughout Austria, regardless of the vaccine.
  • The validity of the Green Pass will be reduced from 02/01/2022 to a maximum of 7 months for the third inoculation.
  • It is highly recommended to work from home.
  • A legislative procedure (including the evaluation procedure) will be launched for the introduction of a general vaccination obligation with entry into force at the latest on 1 February 2022, taking into account the constitutional deadline required for operational implementation.

The third point will be particularly discussed, also because at present there are no signs that vaccination is able to stop the spread of the infection, but at the most it limits the resulting damage. Austria is a country in which only 65% ​​of the population is vaccinated, so there are large segments not yet covered. Even if the political majority appears strong, it is likely that the parliamentary discussion will be very lively. Furthermore, any alternative treatments or vaccines that could arise from today to the vaccination obligation itself are not taken into account. However, from what we understand, tests and covid-passes will remain even after the vaccination obligation.

A measure that has only one big advantage: it puts an end to the “non-obligation” obligation of the Italian green pass. Obviously, an obligation also entails the equivalent duty to reimburse all those who will have damage, or adverse affects, from the vaccine itself. We have already seen that in Australia in a similar case it is leading to the forecast of tens and tens of millions and reimbursements for point damages in a country like Austria the figure is likely to be much higher.

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The article Austria imposes GENERAL VACCINATION REQUIREMENT and lockdown. If it won't work? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/laustria-impone-obbligo-vaccinale-geberale-e-lockdown-se-non-funzionera/ on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:58:03 +0000.