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Austria: Papa Smurf does not have Covid-19, according to the public “Certified” testing system

A state-supported Covid-19 PCR test system, touted as one of the best in Austria, was revealed to have obvious security concerns after a reporter tricked him into issuing a negative test certificate to a character. cartoon character, the famous Papa Smurf!
Children all over the world can breathe a sigh of relief: Papa Smurf (Papa Smurf is his original name) has not contracted Covid-19. This is according to the "Alles Gurgelt!" used in the Austrian capital, Vienna. The diagnostic project, which is supported by the Vienna government and offers free home tests, has issued a Covid-free certificate to the cartoon character, but how did this happen?

And here Italy also comes into play. The system, operated by the Austrian company LEAD Horizon and the Italian network of testing laboratories Lifebrain, allows people to collect test kits in stores and to test themselves at home after signing up with a special app. The sample can then be returned to the store for analysis. In theory, the system is guaranteed by a video recording of the subject carrying out the gargle necessary for the salivary test. Too bad that a journalist from the Kroner Zeitung , Michael Pommer, tried to test the system and the results were not particularly encouraging.

Pommer registered with the Alles Gurgelt App! with his real name, then, instead of gargle, he sent a short video of the Papa Smurf and filled the bottle with tap water. Evidently no one saw the video, they analyzed some tap water and issued the negative certificate. Now Papa Smurf can safely dine indoors, go to the cinema etc.

Therefore, the system, which is used to obtain a certificate that allows, for example, to enter restaurants and beauty centers, is violable. The Austrian state has threatened heavy penal sanctions, from one to three years, for those who abuse the system, as well as heavy fines. In the meantime, however, the system is crap, if the fakes are not detectable. However, the Papa Smurf, fortunately, is fine.

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The article Austria: The Papa Smurf does not have Covid-19, according to the public "Certified" test system comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/austria-il-grande-puffo-non-ha-il-covid-19-secondo-il-sistema-di-test-certificato-pubblico/ on Sun, 14 Nov 2021 17:59:26 +0000.