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Austria surrenders to Omicron: enough do-it-yourself swabs to get the greenpass

Austria also surrenders to Omicron's pressure. as reported to ADN Kronos the government has decided to abandon the obligation or the advice to carry out PCR tests: obligation for the unvaccinated, advice for the vaccinated. All this to be able to access public places and shops. However, with 30,000 new cases on Wednesday, 80% more than the day before, there is no laboratory or pharmacy test system that can hold.

For this reason the Austrian government has decided to authorize the use of the raid tests by you, household, to certify their own covid passes, mandatory for the unvaccinated, or optional for others. So the government relies on the good will of the citizens, thus avoiding to clog up the health system or pharmacies. A choice that will make everything easier, but, at this point, we ask ourselves what sense is the health pass, and the whole issue related to mandatory vaccines. Fortunately, with the do-it-yourself tests, you return to the states that rely on citizens, at least beyond the Alps. We are no longer in the situation of states that want to force their citizens to do things they disdain.

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The article Austria surrenders to Omicron: enough do-it-yourself pads to get the greenpass comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/anche-laustria-si-arrende-a-omicron-tamponi-fai-da-te/ on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 21:19:57 +0000.