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Economic Scenarios

Bagnai / MES: the purpose of Europe is to fleece the Italians

What are the dangers of the ESM reform?

A bankruptcy on the public debt evoked by the ESM treaty and simplified through technicalities. Time is a gentleman, it has already proved us right about austerity and the banking union. It will be the same for the ESM.

Couldn't the ESM be useful to us to save our banks?

Since 2008, German banks have been the most exposed to speculative activities – assets II and III – which were saved with 256 billion of public money while for the Italian banks the public money could not be put, which led to the catastrophe of the Banca Etruria decree and the restructuring of subordinated bonds of savers.

The aim of Europe is to fleece the Italians.

We are the turkey of an eternal Thanksgiving day.

For six years the international press has been talking about how rich Italians are, how badly they manage their capital, and who are preparing opinion for the attack on our savings and our homes.

The Recovery Fund will only reach 17 billion at the end of the year (2021) which is equivalent to a BTP auction.

In the seven-year European budget we will give 209 billion and perhaps recover 209 billion.

European funds are a tool to guide a country's politics.

Two hundred nine billion of which over one hundred are loans. The so-called "subsidies" (lost funds) which amount to 65 billion will be paid with the plastic tax, a tax on financial transactions, and a carbon border tax, etc. We are not given anything away. In our budget there will be no freedom to use these funds except for European addresses. And it is money that we have given to the Recovery Fund which provides 17 billion for gender equality, 9 for healthcare, almost 50 for digitalization. But our country doesn't need green and digital, we have priorities like falling bridges!

Let's clarify the "stigma": the ESM was born as a fund to make bridging loans to States that cannot place the securities on the market. Addressing the MES means confessing that you are at the gas barrel. So creditors want to be protected against the risk of bankruptcy. Now the fact is that Italy can place securities on the market, not only that, but it would have a much higher demand than supply, which is kept artificially low (see Who wants to strangle us with European funds? )

Nforcheri 10/12/2020

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The article Bagnai / MES: the purpose of Europe is to pluck the Italians comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-mes-lo-scopo-delleuropa-e-spennare-gli-italiani/ on Thu, 10 Dec 2020 14:32:03 +0000.