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Economic Scenarios


Complex and long interview by Alberto Bagnai, which addresses many issues.

First of all, the fact that other countries defend their own interests, even in a wrong and violent way. For example, the German Bafin had no problem suing two Financial Times journalists who had told the truth about the trafficking of Bafin's controllers on the Wirecard claims. Now the reporters were absolutely right, but Bafin defended himself all the same, showing how strong interests in uncertain countries are willing to do anything to defend themselves. And Merkel herself knew everything, but she continued to promote Wirecard abroad, even though she knew very well that it was a very great solo. Because some countries are willing to offer even the only ones, if necessary.

Why does the South manage to "pull" little from the European budget? Because there is a co-financing problem foreseen by the European schemes that is extremely binding, but the south, always hungry for resources, does not have this money …

Now in reality the rooms that matter have already decided everything, even on Italian politics. For example, did the Dutch decide that Quota 100 should end? Well, now quaota 100 will end .. with most of all … Then there will be the SUPER IMU linked to the revision of the cadastral estimates, which is already looming. By now the Nordics have taken the measures of the new Italian government, and therefore are ready to impose their austerity policies on us.

Good listening and thanks to Inrivutore.

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The BAGNAI article : OTHER COUNTRIES PROTECT THEMSELVES, WE DISMANTLE QUOTA 100 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-gli-altri-apesi-si-proteggono-noi-smantelliamo-quota-100/ on Tue, 29 Sep 2020 18:13:33 +0000.