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Economic Scenarios

Bagnai: wealth is in the diversity of opinions. Draghi has a big challenge in Europe

Here is the speech by Alberto Bagnai in the Senate, on the occasion of the briefing by Prime Minister Mario Draghi. There is nothing to apologize for for Bagnai's euro skeptical positions, after all the wealth of opinions is what makes Italy and Europe great. After all, it is not the Eurosceptics who have led to the devastating and erroneous austerity policies since 2011. It is not the Eurosceptics who have imposed restrictions that have brought Italy's GDP to the level of 1998 and which slow down the country's economic growth.

the challenges that Draghi will have to face will therefore be many and above all in Europe: these are technical challenges in which he should be well prepared, and linked to budget constraints, to the calculation of potential GDP, always distorted to reduce growth, to create poverty, for a pro-cyclical economic policy.

It is a question of changing the register, will Draghi make it? This is his challenge.

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The Bagnai article : wealth lies in the diversity of opinions. Draghi has a big challenge in Europe comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-la-ricchezza-e-nella-diversita-di-opinioni-draghi-ha-una-sua-grande-sfida-in-europa/ on Wed, 17 Feb 2021 18:12:16 +0000.