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Economic Scenarios


Bagnai makes a nice summary of all the previous episodes. It starts from the rules of Bail In banking, what the garrulous Letta and what cost billions to the savers of the Venetian and resolved banks. Except then, ex post, to discover that it was not necessary, that it was just an experiment in corpore vili and that then the ECB had changed its mind. Too many times in the past, the opposition's warnings have been ignored by the majority, and even on the ESM we will see that it will be the same in this case too. So, dear government, garo PD, BEST WISHES, because it will happen again this time

We thank Inreverent.

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The article BAGNAI: YOU HAVE TAKEN HUGE EUROPEAN SONGS. WISHES! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-avete-preso-enormi-cantonate-europee-auguri/ on Thu, 10 Dec 2020 07:00:38 +0000.