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Balanzoni recalled by the order of doctors. Yet others had already expressed themselves like her in the past. By Lucy Percy

Dr. Balanzoni, an anesthesiologist, known in these two years on the web for her criticisms on the CD. vaccine anticovid, was convened by the order of doctors of Venice on 23 February 2022 at 12.00.

It is the doctor herself who gives the news: she has in fact published on the social networks Twitter and Telegram the letter of convocation for the disciplinary procedure against her.

In the invitation, signed by the president of the order dr. Giovanni Leoni, we read: "in relation to his anti-vaccination position and violent contrast to the pandemic management externalized daily on the main social networks".

The president of the order of doctors dr. Leoni disputes the anti-vaccine position by omitting that it is the doctor's opposition to the anticovid "vaccine" alone.

Precision in science is everything, or at least it should be, contesting without the necessary semantic precision denotes hostility towards Balanzoni.

Labels are an easy way out when you don't have solid arguments with which to refute a thesis.

Going into the merits of the matter, the "anti-vaccinist positions" of Dr. Balanzoni can be immediately supported by the anti-vaccinist position held in 2009 by Dr. Crisarà, current president of the order of doctors of Padua.

In an interview published in the online newspaper "La Stampa" of 27 October 2009 and concerning immunization from influenza A, Dr. Crisarà stated: "With my clients I have a relationship of trust and I would not feel like recommending anything not sufficiently experienced, in the state of conservation of which mercury appears": in Veneto the position of Dr. Domenico Crisarà, over a thousand borrowers, including 350 over sixty-five, is making people argue: "Less than a week is left for the bottles to arrive and we family doctors do not know if it should be administered in a single injection or in a double booster". The possible collateral risks are frightening, certainly the request to sign the informed consent before the injection does not help: "Unusual practice", comments Crisarà. For the moment, there are three vaccines "authorized" by EMEA, the European Medicines Agency. In Germany almost all doctors would have chosen the type without adjuvant. Another alarm signal.

(source https://www.lastampa.it/cronaca/2009/10/27/news/influenza-ai-mille-dubbi-del-vaccino-1.37057308 , last consultation url 22.02.2022)

In short, Crisarà novax against influenza A was indisputable, while Balanzoni is liable to disciplinary proceedings.

The words of Dr. Crisarà in 2009 demonstrate wisdom, it may be objected, they were other times: defensive medicine was at the highest levels, the precautionary principle still existed, the season of reforms in terms of medical liability – both civil and criminal – had not yet begun and there was a penal shield, the causal link was not an algorithm.

Today it is forbidden to contest the scientific thesis of the State, it has become useless to argue, there is only one truth and we find doctors on TV and writing in the newspapers about any topic; what matters is that they are in favor of the cd. vaccine anticovid, the latter position legitimizes them to offend, forget the cuts to health care, nosocomial infections (do they ask science too?), bypass the disciplinary code of the public body for which they work and not communicate in advance to the employer I work paid assignments, with all due respect to the accountant and the court of auditors.

It is true that the ethical level of a Professional Order mirrors that of the entire country.

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The Balanzoni article recalled by the order of doctors. Yet others had already expressed themselves like her in the past. By Lucy Percy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/balanzoni-richiamata-dallordine-dei-medici-eppure-altri-si-erano-gia-espressi-come-lei-in-passato-di-lucy-percy/ on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 11:19:38 +0000.