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Economic Scenarios

Bancheri and shipowners: the rich lobby that invades Italy with irregular migrants. The rich who make war on the poor

Il Giornale continues its investigation which is reserving so much satisfaction to those who have always seen something strange and unclear in this traffic of ships on both sides of the Mediterranean NOT to save castaways, but to bring new slaves to exploit in Italy and , we emphasize, ONLY in Italy.

Let's see what was discovered about the lenders of the Ionian Sea by Luca Casarin, the boss of the twenty social centers:

  • it took 125 thousand euros from the Danish company Maersk to take on board 27 migrants loaded from a ship belonging to the shipping company;
  • all this with a lot of commercial negotiations (starting from 270 thousand euros, 10 euros per migrant, flat rate, then lowered to less than 5000) and billing for "Services";
  • in order not to pay taxes, the passage through a "supporting parish" is assumed, making everything pass for a church activity. why there are good taxes and bad taxes;
  • then there are the other lenders, first of all "Banca Etica", whose CEO Nazareno Gabrielli financed the work of Mare Jonio with 400 thousand euros, but it is not the only one because Banca Intesa would have financed this organization with 20 or 30 thousand euros EUR.

So, in the end, behind the activity of these "Saviors", these ferrymen, there are none other than the usual strong powers, those who will not suffer either for these poor landed people or for the other poor people to whom they will compete on the labor market, but who will actually benefit from this situation. Behind then there are the large shipping companies that, in this way, get rid of the hassle of really saving someone at sea and therefore having to disembark them somewhere. There are sea sweepers who act, for a fee, in their place. Those who will then drown because attracted by these mirages are of no interest to anyone, much less to Casarin.

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The article Bancheri and shipowners: the rich lobby invading Italy with irregular migrants. The rich who make war on the poor comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bancheri-ed-armatori-la-ricca-lobby-che-invade-litalia-di-migranti-irregolari-i-ricchi-che-fanno-la-guerra-ai-poveri/ on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 16:22:54 +0000.