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Economic Scenarios

BARNIER DECLARES “NO BREXIT AGREEMENT”, Due to the breaking of fishing rights

The European Union will not have a general trade agreement on December 31 with the United Kingdom: in the meeting last night with the ambassadors of the 27 countries of the Union, Barnier had to admit that there is no agreement on two very important issues, namely state aid and its regulation and, above all, the fishing rights of Community vessels in British waters.

Pessimism reigns after London dubbed Barnier's earlier statements that there had been a strong advance on the burning issue of fishing rights: the UK wanted to recover the right to its waters, even if it was willing to give quotas to the Union on a transitional basis, up to a maximum of 40%. Instead, Barnier wants a fixed agreement for at least five years that preserves the status quo, or almost, among other things, then subject to negotiation between the parties. Practically an indefinite postponement of the recovery of national ownership for the UK, and this is an absolutely unacceptable point for London. The exercise of sovereign rights is a point of no return for Johnson and his mediator Lord Frast.

Barnier is back in London today, but now times are closing and European countries must prepare for a No Deal. A failure for the Union, which proves that it is unable to negotiate an agreed exit of a state and that it is only the expression of the selfishness of individual countries. In this case, especially France, which does not want to deprive its fishermen of the exploitation of British waters.

Macron, however, will soon have to revise his will to dominate the waters: the British government has made it clear that it will not hold back from using the Royal Navy to avoid a "Scallop war" between British and French fishing vessels. since the waters are English, we know very well how it will end.

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The article BARNIER DECLARES "NO BREXIT AGREEMENT", Because of the breaking the fishing rights comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/barnier-dichiara-nessun-accordo-brexit-causa-della-rottura-i-diritti-di-pesca/ on Mon, 07 Dec 2020 11:09:03 +0000.