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Economic Scenarios

BATHROOMS: BEWARE OF PROVOKING AGENTS. Do you know that the CGIL wants the MES and the troika?

Car intervention by Alberto Bagnai that could be condensed into four words: beware of agents provocateurs. There are people who accuse the opposition of not bringing down the government, but the opposition, as such, has smaller parliamentary numbers and therefore CANNOT bring down the majority, thanks to all the voters who voted for M5s. The fact is that these people have profiles that are, in reality, to the detriment of the center-right and the League, and almost seem like a caricature of it. Agents provocateurs. Then a mention of the fact that the CGIL wants the Troika and the MES. If ever in January and February there will be large mass movements, due to the various corporate crises and the wave of layoffs, but with the dpcm they will repress them. The spread is under the control of the strong powers who are friends of the left

Thanks to Inreverent and good listening.

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The article BAGNAI: BEWARE OF THE PROVOKING AGENTS. Do you know that the CGIL wants the MES and the troika? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-attenti-agli-agenti-provocatori-sapete-che-al-cgil-vuole-il-mes-e-la-troika/ on Fri, 09 Oct 2020 08:45:30 +0000.