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Economic Scenarios

Because we never talk about monetary sovereignty

I have been invited to an interesting debate on the political use of money to be held in Trieste, organized by the local group of Sovereign and Popular Democracy, which will see me pitted against Professor Andrea Zhok, who teaches Moral Philosophy at the University of Milan.

NOTHING IS MORE POLITICAL THAN MONEY ”, said James Tobin, Nobel Prize winner for Economics.

Money is the instrument that most influences our lives, but it has now become a taboo that cannot be talked about, the topic has completely disappeared from the radar of mainstream thought.

The famous popular saying comes to mind: " Don't let the peasant know how good cheese with pears is ", suggesting that perhaps there is a reason why we are prevented from talking about it calmly and constructively. After all, money is a fundamental tool in our society and in our lives. Why is it never talked about?

It was created to satisfy needs, Aristotle said, and it is a convention established by law by the State which even forces us to pay taxes. Therefore it should be extremely suspicious that the State itself declares "at every turn" that it no longer has it and always demands it from us in increasing quantities.

I am also very happy to talk about it together with Prof. Andrea Zhok, because when we talk about money we cannot avoid also addressing the philosophical and moral issue.

Anyone who passes through Trieste or lives there, come and visit us, together we will open a small hole in the ceiling of Plato's cave.

We must begin to finally dissolve the shadows cast every day by the single mainstream thought.

Free entry, Thursday 28 March 2024, 5.30 pm, KNULP bookshop bar, Via della Madonna del Mare n.7° in Trieste: https://knulp.org/appuntamenti/28-03-moneta-positiva/ .

Fabio Conditi
President of the Moneta Positiva association

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The article Why we never talk about monetary sovereignty comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/perche-non-si-parla-mai-di-sovranita-monetaria/ on Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:00:53 +0000.