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Becchi’s reflections on the Draghi government and its surroundings! To read

These considerations, received directly from the author, were published today on Libero Quotidiano.

Enjoy the reading!

This newspaper published a speech by its director, Vittorio Feltri, which was followed yesterday by a long reply by Matteo Salvini. Feltri's position has been clear and consistent for some time. From the beginning he did not welcome Salvini's participation in this institutional government, led by Mario Draghi. The Head of the League, as we know, after a long reflection within his party decided to join this government instead. He could not have done so, as suggested by Feltri, and surely today it would be not only the Brothers of Italy but also his party, which instead is in difficulty, to rise in the polls.

It was known, however, from the beginning that in the immediate future the choice would not pay off in terms of consent. But participation in the Draghi government should not be seen, in my opinion, as an immediate investment, but as a long-term investment. It is like when one plays on the stock market and buys a stock in which he believes and suddenly that stock begins to lose some of its value, it is not worthwhile at that point to sell that stock, but to wait, because it is not at all excluded that in the within a short time the stock rises and exceeds the purchase value.

In short, I was in favor of this solution from the beginning and I support it today as well. It wouldn't make any sense, after making this investment, to get out of it now. Also because the health emergency will not be able to last forever, sooner and later we will get out of it and surely those who will be in power then will be able to claim the credit for having brought the country out of the emergency. In other words, Salvini's difficulties do not depend on having joined this government and those who have joined it are members of the League, competent, who are doing everything that is possible to do. I am thinking in particular of Giorgetti's very difficult role.

Of course, no one expected and I must admit this – since I was one of the supporters of the decision to join this government – that Draghi was so little "decision-maker", that in short, he did not have the courage to present himself in total discontinuity with the management bankruptcy of the health emergency of the previous government. It is incredible that a banker is unable to read the Istat data and understand that the data they put under his eyes are completely unreliable. One year after Conte's lockdown, doing the same thing again, even with self-certifications, is a sign of Draghi's weakness and political incapacity. Nobody could have expected Draghi to do the same things as Conte in the emergency, attributing them to Speranza. This must undoubtedly be said and Salvini would have every reason to reiterate it, while remaining within a government that is not a political government but an institutional one. And yet he too hesitates, at times he says that the "scientific data" will tell us when we can go out. But did Salvini read the data, the real ones, published in this newspaper? Today there is no health emergency in Italy. This is the only certain fact.

Ok, Italians want vaccines for safety. Be it right or wrong, this is what the people demand today: mass vaccination. And then at least find these fucking vaccines, even in Russia or even in China, if they don't give us the American ones. And instead, here, all of a sudden even the Russian spies come out. As at the time of the cold war, so now at the time of the war between vaccines, on the skin of the Italians. Salvini could say it, he would certainly not pass for a dangerous sovereignist. Instead, he prefers to keep quiet about this in order not to hurt Draghi, but then to make him very happy he goes to Budapest. Dunno, I would recommend a minimum of consistency, staying within this government to stimulate it to make decisive decisions. The results will come after the summer, when with the vaccination campaign it will be possible to start an almost normal life again, and then we will see what the history of consents will be like. But there is something that, in conclusion, I want to say. A provocation, which, however, should make us reflect.

The problem is not Draghi, the problem is Salvini. He was mentally stuck in 2018, but the world has changed completely in the meantime. There was a pandemic involved. His "closed ports" rhetoric is empty, no longer working, inadequate. It thrives on tactics, without a long-term strategy. For this reason, among other things, at times he seems to bear his ruling party badly. But there is something even more serious: Salvini does not have a vision of the country.

Beppe Grillo understood that his movement was dead and then from its ashes he pulled out a new one, focusing everything on ecology. Will he succeed in this feat? And who knows? He is trying: enough with the vaffa and even with Rousseau and we are focusing on green hydrogen, nuclear fission, robotics and digitalization. It is not happy degrowth, but something different. He got rid of many garments and capetti, and put in their place Conte who is now in dialogue with Letta. Watch out guys, Letta and Conte are not Zingaretti and Crimi. In those parts they are organizing, everything has changed, starting with the people. It certainly focuses on many seats but also on programs. Salvini certainly does not focus on armchairs, even if some have also had it in the government, but he does not have a government program. Many details, but the flat tax (which is no longer talked about) or the scrapped tax bills are not enough to make a plan. No euro, right or wrong it was (for me it was right), it was a program. "Weak sovereignty" was a program. Today Salvini does not have a program, but he is convinced that in any case the center right will win the next political elections. Are we sure that an old center right with no ideas will win against the new center left? Bets are accepted.

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The article Becchi's reflections on the Draghi government and its surroundings! To read comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/riflessioni-di-becchi-sul-governo-draghi-e-dintorni-da-leggere/ on Sun, 04 Apr 2021 16:49:00 +0000.