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Economic Scenarios

Biden attacks China: she is behind the cyber attacks

While President Biden believes he is appearing harsh on China, making it a theme of his policy, the United States has just announced that members of the Chinese intelligence agency are hiring cybercriminals to conduct a global campaign of attacks and intrusions. computer science.

The US government today is officially expected to claim that China is behind the creation of a host of malicious ransomware, data theft and other cyber espionage attacks against public and private entities around the world, including the hack. of Microsoft Exchange discovered earlier this year.

According to Bloomberg, the United States will present evidence showing that China's Ministry of State Security uses hackers under criminal contract to conduct unauthorized cyber operations globally, including for its own personal gain. Additionally, the NSA, CISA and FBI will expose more than 50 Chinese state-sponsored cyber hackers who have used tactics.

While obviously this isn't the first time we've heard about the Microsoft Exchange hack or other Chinese cyber-intrusions, it's still a resounding announcement. Following ransomware attacks such as the one that paralyzed the “Colonial” pipeline, cyber security has become an increasingly important political priority this year. The accusations mirror those of President Obama, who accused 5 Chinese soldiers of alleged involvement in a cyber attack on American companies, all without ever taking effective measures.

However, the complaint does not see the US isolated. A coalition of NATO members along with the EU, New Zealand, Japan and Australia are reportedly launching a new alliance among NATO members that involves sharing information on cyber threats and collaborating to improve the security of their networks. . According to CNBC, Microsoft blamed a China-backed group called Hafnium for the attack. It is not impossible for the announcement to take place these days.

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The article Biden attacks China: she is behind the cyber attacks comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/biden-attacca-la-cina-e-lei-dietro-gli-attacchi-informatici/ on Mon, 19 Jul 2021 13:57:24 +0000.