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Economic Scenarios

Biden “Encourages illegal immigration and enriches cartels”. The Mexican President attacks the “Pull” effect of the US Dems

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says US President Joe Biden's immigration policy encourages illegal immigration and brings revenue to drug cartels through human trafficking at the US border.

According to Reuters , Mexico has asked the Biden administration to provide assistance by providing development aid in Central America, where tens of thousands of migrants embark on a journey through Mexico in hopes of reaching the United States and obtaining asylum. Because the real development is not by attracting immigrants to be underpaid, but by encouraging the development of their countries of origin.

"They see him as the president of migrants, and so many think they can reach the United States," AMLO said (via Reuters) after a March 1 virtual meeting with Biden. "We have to work together to regulate the flow, because this business cannot be dealt with overnight."

Among Biden's policies that worry the Mexican government is the one that provides for citizenship priority lane for migrants living in the United States and support for victims of gang violence.

Internal assessments reviewed by Reuters – based on testimony and intelligence gatherings – say Mexican gangs have significantly increased their turnover and are keeping tabs on US measures that would encourage migration. They also developed a new tracking system to move migrants across the US-Mexico border.

An unnamed Mexican official told Reuters that cartels have used sophisticated techniques to get migrants through "from the day Biden took office," for example by using travel agencies as screens, or to keep migrants informed of developments of their journey.

Any relaxation of migration policies, whether in the USA or in the Mediterranean, constitutes a pull factor, of attraction, for illegal trafficking. All movements that enrich only the world criminal organizations and leave skeletons in the desert or at sea. How many will be the victims of doing good?

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The Biden article "Encourages illegal immigration and enriches cartels". The Mexican President attacks the "Pull" effect of the US Dems comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/biden-incoraggia-limmigrazione-illegale-ed-arricchisce-i-cartelli-ill-presidente-messicano-attacca-leffetto-pull-dei-dem-usa/ on Thu, 11 Mar 2021 09:00:22 +0000.