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Biden joins “Presidents drones”, Trump goes on the street shaking hands with cops and firefighters

Yesterday, at the celebrations for September 11th, we had yet another tangible demonstration of how different the approach to communication and human contact is between Trump and everything that preceded him.

While President Biden joined former Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton at 9/11 services held at the World Trade Center and Shanksville, Pennsylvania – a group that has been behind countless deaths in the Middle East and Afghanistan, which declared "wars on terror", which wrote the Home Security Act, disrupting the rights of US citizens, former President Trump took to the streets of New York to shake hands with firefighters and policemen who for the first went to the World Trade Center to help out twenty years ago.

There were also iconic moments in the cold official celebration: former President Bush took it out on "Angry America" ​​and "Internal Terrorism", obviously without understanding the reasons, President Biden took off his mask to shout behind to someone….

On the contrary Trump went down the street and talked to the firefighters, obtaining a very successful human contact:

There was even a round of applause among the firefighters

Obviously the Mainstream narrative has tried to mark his absence at the official celebration, taking a nice topic:

The presidents and former presidents then gathered at the memorial for the fallen of Flight 93.

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The article Biden joins the "Presidents drones", Trump goes on the street shaking hands with police and firefighters comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/biden-si-unisce-ai-presidenti-droni-trump-va-per-strada-stringere-le-mani-ai-poliziotti-e-vigili-del-fuoco/ on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 08:43:27 +0000.