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Biden limits drilling in Alaska. This will have an effect on fuel prices

The US Administration finalized a strategy Friday to help protect federal lands, which includes restricting access to drilling and mining in a large portion of the Alaska National Petroleum Reserve (NPR-A). .

The Public Lands Rule is intended to help safeguard the health of America's public lands by ensuring that the United States protects clean water and wildlife habitat, restores lands and waters that need them, and makes decisions informed management policies based on science, data and indigenous knowledge, the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) said.

The finalized rule limits access to drilling and mining on more than 13 million acres in NPR-A, as proposed by the U.S. Administration last year. The new regulations for NPR-A “will ensure maximum protection of the more than 13 million acres of Special Areas on the reservation, while supporting subsistence activities for Alaska Native communities,” the Interior Administration said in a statement. September, when he proposed the rule.

Commenting on the finalization of the rule, US President Joe Biden said today: “I am proud that my Administration is taking action to conserve more than 5 million acres in the Western Arctic and to honor the culture, history and enduring wisdom of the Alaska Natives who have lived and managed these lands since time immemorial.” Here is a map of the protected areas

The rule does not affect existing developments and projects, including the ConocoPhillips-led Willow oil project, which the Biden Administration approved last year, angering environmentalists and some of the Democratic base.

These extraction reserves are created out of respect for the indigenous populations who, however, perhaps would have preferred to obtain a share in the extraction rights collected by the state.

Alaska's oil industry and key Republican Senators criticized the final rule, arguing that it would negatively impact state revenues and worsen the local business climate.

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) said, a day before the expected Interior announcement, that “This administration is deliberately undertaking policies to punish Americans and undermine our strengths while continuing to aid our adversaries.”

“Tomorrow, he will further undermine America's national security interests by announcing the closure of two of our country's most critical energy and mineral developments: the Alaska National Petroleum Reserve (NPR-A) and the Ambler Mining District of Alaska. ' Alaska,” added Senator Sullivan.

The limitations that Biden is placing on extraction in the USA also have the effect of a future decline in oil extraction in the USA which is now the world's largest oil producer and completely meets its own needs. The risk that, by cutting production areas, we could see a greater dependence on imports and, potentially, an increase in the price of fuel.

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Biden article limits drilling in Alaska. This will affect fuel prices comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/biden-limita-le-trivellazioni-in-alaska-questo-avra-effetto-sui-prezzi-dei-carburanti/ on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:22:19 +0000.