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Biden nonchalantly commits himself to World War III through the defense of Taiwan. We look forward to 2025

With great tranquility, Joe Biden, without giving us particular weight, has linked the US to the third world war with China, with also a probable date for its beginning.

On CNN's "90 Minutes" program, hosted by Anderson Cooper, the President answered a series of student questions, including one asked by a student at Loyola University.

A student asks what President Biden would have done to “ keep pace with China from a military point of view ” especially after testing Chinese hypersonic missiles and “ what can be done to protect Taiwan? "

" Yes and yes ", replied the president.

"I don't want a Cold War with China, I just want to make China understand – that we will not take a step back, we will not change any of our opinions … " – and it was then that Anderson Cooper intervened:

Cooper: Are you saying the US would go to Taiwan's defense if China attacked? "

Biden: " Yes. Yes, we have a commitment to do it ."

Although after this surprise emphasis on having a "commitment" to go to war on behalf of the small self-governing island that is more than 7,000 miles away from the US mainland, cooper glossed over the subject and preferred to move on.

It is not clear whether Biden understood the depth and difficulty of the commitment he made. Military analysts, chief among them the Taipei Defense Minister, are aware that by 2025 China will be able to launch a large-scale invasion of Taiwan. The Chinese army is preparing and also from the point of view of international relations, Beijing is moving to involve, in its favor, the microstates of Polynesia and Melanesia, isolating Australia and laying the foundations for a problematic American intervention. Provocative exercises were held against Japan and a hypersonic weapon was tested capable of hitting the US from the Antarctic route, which astonished and frightened the US military.

So probably in 2025 the third world war will start, and maybe the world will end. Oh well, everything that starts must end. At this point it was better Trump …

PS: Only one president in the past made a similar statement, lightly, but he was joking during a Sound Check. It was Raegan when he said that " He had passed legislation that made the Soviet Union outlawed and the bombers will leave in five minutes "

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The Biden article nonchalantly commits himself to World War III through the defense of Taiwan. We await 2025 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/biden-con-nonchalance-si-impegna-alla-terza-guerra-mondiale-tramite-la-difesa-di-taiwan-attendiamo-il-2025/ on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 17:09:39 +0000.