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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: between DPCM and DL, there are political forces that want to act in the shadows (Forza Italia Inclusa ..)

Claudio Borghi, in his own space at RPL, deals with "Escapology", the art of escape, with the government from parliament and with how there are political forces that want to continue to act in the shadows, secretly, without discussion in front of al pese, and among these, unfortunately, also Forza Italia.

Let's assume that the first 10 minutes are dedicated to an interesting, and very rare, discussion on modern art, both musical and graphic, which we invite you to follow. So we talk about politics. Borghi had presented an amendment that would have obliged the government to discuss first in parliament, at least one day, before imposing decrees that placed restrictions on personal freedoms. The least, in a parliamentary democracy where the elected chambers are expressive of the sovereignty of the people. After strong controversy in the Health Committee, this proposal was rejected NOT only by PD, LEU and M5s, but also by Forza Italia, which submitted and queued to the left . Moreover, the offers, not rejected, of Letta to Forza Italia for a stable alliance are just these days. As usual, there is someone who "works for the King of Prussia", only to pretend to be the representative of the self-employed.

Happy listening!

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The Borghi article : between DPCM and DL, there are political forces that want to act in the shadows (Forza Italia Inclusa ..) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-tra-dpcm-e-dl-ci-sono-forzepolitiche-che-vogliono-agire-nellombra-forza-italia-inclusa/ on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 08:05:50 +0000.