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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: it is a bad time for democracy, and the Green Pass

Borghi Claudio speaks to PNR and the theme is that of the Green Pass: it was a bad time for democracy. We must take note that the majority of people are for the Green pass, also because, trivially and selfishly, they are already vaccinated and they have the Green pass. If anything, it is a problem of the protection of minorities, that is, of true democracy and true protection of rights. This minority of unvaccinated, for many reasons, must have protection in parliament, and should also be protected in terms of rights, this is very complicated in a parliamentary democracy.

Happy listening and thanks to Inrierente

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The Borghi article : it's a bad time for democracy, and the Green Pass comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-e-un-brutto-momento-per-la-democrazia-ed-il-green-pass/ on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 10:07:23 +0000.