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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: «The MES is back again. Gualtieri back to the Eurogroup without a mandate, and violates a law … “

Yesterday the umpteenth Eurogroup was held, and for the umpteenth time Gualtieri went to discuss WITHOUT A MANDATE FROM PARLIAMENT, the total disregard of a very specific law that obliges him to do so. Normally the President of the Republic should intervene to point out to the Government that it violates a law, but Mattarella does NOT. The Speaker of the House should intervene, but he does NOT. The judiciary should intervene, but this does NOT, and the rest has not even intervened on Nexus and on the 45 million contracts given to a ghost company. The only weapon remained the vote.

Now the MES is back, but not the health one, the reform, the devastating one, which, in case of use of the tool, OBLIGATES THE DEFAULT OF THE STATE DEBT. A devastating rule, such as to destroy the savings of Italian families, shave it to zero. A norm HAPPENED by the parliament, which should not even have been discussed, but which comes back and forth because the M5S does not have the courage to make a clear motion AGAINST the reform of the MES and with a clear prohibition against its use. Because now the 5-star Movement no longer has the courage to do anything.

Yet there would be the tools to bring parliament to the center.

We thank Inreverent.

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The Borghi article : «The MES is back again. Gualtieri back to the Eurogroup without a mandate, and violates a law… ” comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-torna-di-nuovo-il-mes-gualtieri-di-nuovo-alleurogruppo-senza-mandato-e-viola-una-legge/ on Sat, 12 Sep 2020 07:13:42 +0000.