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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: who wants the revision of the land registers or “New Patrimonial”?

Claudio Borghi intervenes at the conference of Confedilizia's lawyers, and can only talk about the hot tax issue of the moment. Who wants the revision of the cadastral estimates, that is, practically, an additional and hidden property tax on the house?

In Italy no one, given that 75% of Italians are homeowners and, apart from a remote-controlled slice from Brussels, with no political will of their own, no one wants to be kicked in the ass by their constituents. Among other things, the house has been the lifeline for many while the lockdown has undermined the economy. Allocate why, despite the fact that Parliament has rejected this trend towards property taxation, it comes back to the surface?

Borghi explains why well, but we can anticipate that it is linked to the orders of Brussels, to the 2019 indications, to which we will be forced to return, in turn based on deeply mistaken preconceptions of the true sole masters of the Union, that is, the Germans. They have the least per capita ownership of homes in Europe, so for them all the others are rich, dirty, capitalists who don't want to pay taxes. That is, the Germans are, after all, all a little piddini.

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The Borghi article : who wants the revision of the land registers or "New Patrimonial"? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-chi-vuole-la-revisione-dei-catasti-o-nuova-patrimoniale/ on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 12:02:59 +0000.