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Economic Scenarios

Brussels, we have a problem: in 2023 super-sanctioned Russia will grow more than Germany

Something went wrong in the entire system of sanctions set in motion by the European Union and Western countries. The latest forecast data calculated by the IMF, in the International Monetary Fund which is certainly not a pro-Russian body, place Europe and the Commission before the responsibility for the failure of their strategy. Here are the data:

In 2022, despite all the sanctions, the Russian decrease will be 2.2%. In 2012, the Commission devastated the Greek economy much more efficiently, proving that friends are far more dangerous than friends. In 2023 Russia will grow by 0.3%, more than Germany will grow (0.1%) and the same for 2024, when Russia will grow by 2.5%, Germany by only 1.4% and the Italy by 0.9%.

For heaven's sake, the IMF's forecasts are certainly not perfect and have often, almost regularly, been denied. Moreover, in March he predicted a decline in the Russian economy of the order of eight per cent, which has not materialised. However, these data confirm that the western sanctioning strategy is completely bankrupt and has ultimately caused more damage to those who applied them than to those who suffered them. The Commission has succeeded in setting up an economic war by placing itself in a position of inferiority and, practically, castrating itself. Usually, in these cases, any country would have thought about strengthening its economy, even with centralized stimulus measures. On the contrary, the EU, prey to its own ideology, has cut its cheaper energy sources, thus cutting industrial growth and welfare. Basically, to wage economic war on Russia, she shot herself in the foot. The results are visible.

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The article Brussels, we have a problem: in 2023 super-sanctioned Russia is growing more than Germany comes from Scenari Economics .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bruxelles-abbiamo-un-problema-nel-2023-cresce-piu-la-super-sanzionata-russia-che-la-germania/ on Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:30:06 +0000.