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Economic Scenarios

Can you die from the cold? Yes, from Sicily to the north, passing through the capital, people are dying of cold.

All to say that we can, indeed we must, give the heat for the Patri, lower the thermometer in the house by two degrees, maybe even three. If one is cold what is it? Does he keep it stoically?

Now I bring you a piece of news taken from La Sicilia, one of those minimal news stories that usually escape: a woman died in her apartment in Termini Imerese (Palermo) from a fire triggered by a hairdryer that the elderly, Anna Butera, 82 years, he had turned on under the covers to warm up. To find the body, on the second floor of the building, were the firefighters, called by the woman's neighbors who had noticed smoke coming out of the front door of the apartment.

Why an unsuitable tool such as a hairdryer? Because he was cold. Those who have always been warm do not know what the cold is.

Then there are the homeless people … only in Rome 9 have died of cold since the beginning of the year. A war in our house that causes silent deaths, to which only short stories are dedicated. But there it is, devious, desperate, shameful. While the generous aid that is sent elsewhere is rattled off, our poor, increasingly poor, do not make the news.

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The article Can You Die from the Cold? Yes, from Sicily to the north, passing through the capital, people are dying of cold. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/si-puo-morire-per-il-freddo-succede-in-sicilia/ on Sun, 13 Mar 2022 08:00:26 +0000.