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Economic Scenarios


Beautiful speech by Daniele Capezzone on La Verità truly worthy of listening for the subtle acumen with which he describes the half-congress of the M5s of eiri. Not so much for the obvious results with the victory of Di Maio's "Ministerials" over Dibba's "Alternatives", as if the M5s now existed outside the seats in Parliament, but because it described very well that situation of melancholy decadence which brings to mind the now almost forgotten NCD, New Center Right of Alfano. As the former interior minister Di Maio does not command a party, but only a team of supporters of the PD that exists and will exist only as a function of this support and then disappear, at the first electoral situation, into the oblivion of history. Compared to the NCD, what changes are only the dimensions, we could say the width of the empty space it occupies, m evolution is the same. In the end, the solution of the "Collegial Guide" seems to come out of an eighties DC meeting, the very kind of politics that the M5S was born to fight.

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The articleCAPEZZONE: THE M5S IS NOT THAT A GREAT NCD comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/capezzone-il-m5s-non-e-che-un-grandissimo-ncd/ on Mon, 16 Nov 2020 16:53:39 +0000.