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Careers alias: the last port of a schizophrenic civilization

Perhaps we need to begin employing new and bolder adjectives to describe the dizzying descent of our civilization into the Maelstrom of whirlpools so irrational as to border on pure insanity. Perhaps words like "absurd", "against nature", "surreal" are no longer enough. The time has probably come to move on to the clinical side of psychopathology. The word "schizophrenic" in the etymological sense of the term could come in handy for us to decipher what we are about to explain to you. From the Greek σχίζω "split" and ϕρήν "intellect". To designate, therefore, a dissociation of thought from reality. It is difficult to find more appropriate categories to comment on, and decrypt, the rampant "infatuation" of hundreds of Italian high schools with the concept, and the process underlying it, of "career aka".

In many secondary schools in our country, "regulations" aimed at allowing students to "redefine" their sexual identity at will are in an advanced stage of proposal, if not approval. In practice, if a male pupil decides to "feel" female and to be called Beatrice instead of Giuseppe, or a female pupil decides to "perceive" herself male and to be addressed as Giovanni instead of Federica, all the others (classmates and professors) must consent to the wishes of the young offspring in an identity crisis. It is not clear whether they will also have to bring him a snack at recess, but – given that it is a legitimate desire – it is probable that a codicil will end up also contemplating food optionals.

Certainly, on the basis of the aforementioned regulations, the choice can be made "without showing any type of medical or psychological documentation" and also in the absence of prior information to the parents of the minor student. The interested party will acquire, ipso facto, the right to access the women's toilets despite being a young almost adult male and the men's despite being a complete woman. I quote from one of the aforementioned "codes" that I had the opportunity to compulse: "The person assigned the alias identity has the right to use the toilets and changing rooms corresponding to the elective gender. The school authority takes care of the use of toilets and changing rooms in accordance with the principles set out in the introduction to this regulation".

Welcome to the schizophrenic civilization where reality data are waste paper in the face of the desires of the individual. Even nature – even idolized today when it comes to cooling down the planet – has to give way before the "scalmane" (it does not matter if permanent or transient) of the omnipotent individual subjectivity. But the most incredible thing, and perhaps even more schizophrenic, is yet another: today, if you dare to question the anthropic origin of climate change, quoting top scientists and based on highly authoritative sources, you are immediately branded as " denier". And so too if you take the liberty of pointing out (backed by empirical evidence and scientific evidence) that a very recently created experimental vaccine is not effective in preventing the contagion of a virus and is a harbinger of serious side effects.

If, on the other hand, you wake up in the morning and invent that you are a woman or a man, in spite of your "genital" evidence, here is a nice regulation ready to "positivize" your right to be treated, and called, as such. Now, no offense to non-high school institutions, but learning that even in classical high schools this abomination is not only tolerated, but even advocated, makes us understand the irreversibility of the process of intellectual, civic, cultural and moral degradation towards which we are moving . If even the "principle of reality" on which the Greek philosophers applied themselves (evidently in a not so fruitful way, given today's madness even of those who should divulge its wisdom) is missing; if even the principle of non-contradiction of Aristotelian memory is eclipsed – according to which A cannot be Non-A at the same time and vice versa, just as, updating the criterion to the present, a male cannot be a female at the same time and vice versa – then there is no 'is more hope.

If even the (small) still standing temples of the (robust, rational and logical) roots of our Western thought give way to the “genero-clast” fury of gender ideology then (almost) everything is permitted; and, probably, all is lost in terms of common sense, intelligence, rationality. Ergo, we have to start reading, interpreting and decoding the present times with the tools of psychiatry. Here, mind you, it is not a question of sacrosanct fight against discrimination against the legitimate sexual tendencies of anyone nor of safeguarding the just right of a (very small, infinitesimal) minority of human beings to change their sexual connotations, once they have reached the suitable age for decisions as drastic as they are irreversible.

Here we are entering – spearheaded and to the sound of fanfare – the murky and unexplored territory of collective madness: arrogant, intimidating and gallows like all madness. Where anyone – on the basis of the idolized ego-longing for a ridiculous individual "option" – can decide with which sexual identity to be certified by registry office. Not to mention the fact that the delirium we are talking about produces formidable short circuits with other historic battles of modernity such as the "feminist" one. In fact, what remains of a truly feminist, indeed of authentically and primarily "feminine", if femininity becomes a biodegradable tinsel, a "lexical" variable of the natural datum, a mere habitus wearable according to whim, need and convenience of the first passing male?

To summarize, the final symptom of arriving at the era of schizophrenic civilization is precisely that they allow you (indeed they force you) to assert falsehoods and deny the truth against the irrefutable data of nature and reality. At the same time, they harass you and accuse you of "denialism" if you take the luxury of telling the truth, denying the false or discussing the questionable. We have reached the point that, in the United Kingdom, the definition of a woman has been the subject of parliamentary debates. And an esteemed biologist like Richard Dawkins has had his good troubles for asserting that "sex is clearly binary, to state otherwise is a distortion of reality".

In conclusion, a good and a bad comment. Let's start with the bad (or pessimistic, if you prefer). Perhaps the times so predicted in 1905 by Gilbert Keith Chesterton have come: “Fires will be kindled to testify that two plus two equals four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer." Instead, we resurrect the good (and optimistic) commentary from the reviled Sixty-eight. A famous slogan that must remind us – even in the dutiful commitment against a phenomenon that should not be underestimated – what would be the only sensible (and healthy) way to deal with this matter: not to take something logically laughable and trivially shameful like careers absolutely seriously alias. A laugh should bury them.

Francis Carraro


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The article Careers alias: the last port of a schizophrenic civilization comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/carriere-alias-lultimo-approdo-di-una-civilta-schizofrenica/ on Fri, 04 Aug 2023 16:59:50 +0000.