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Economic Scenarios

Cazzola wants to give the lead of Bava Beccaris to No Vax

I would like to talk about economics, macroeconomics, and finance, but, unfortunately, the recent pandemic has given free rein to the worst in man and, unfortunately, has also allowed this worst to be offered to hundreds of thousands of people. viewers on TV.

We have come to Cazzola who invokes the lead of the guns of Bava Beccaris against those who protest against the Green Pass, and who could very well be vaccinated. Said in his own voice in Controccorrente, in front of Veronica Gentili and a distraught Giulio Tremonti:

The key part, provided by Inriverente

Incredible confrontation between those who protest against a measure desired by the state and the "Terrorists", literally to be left speechless. For the less historically learned we remember that General Bava Beccaris fired on a crowd of workers, not even in an official strike, during the riots of 6-9 May 1898, causing 81 deaths among civilians. The dead were 83 in total, including a policeman and a soldier, to understand how things went. In reality, the riots were one-way, that is, the general fired cannon shots even with machine guns on the workers in the street, even leveling a convent because he feared that someone might find refuge there.

Machine gun bullet, second half of the 19th century.

These were the first moments in which the socialists could sit in parliament, but they were a small minority with the republicans, in an assembly still elected with respect to the census.

In red the socialists, the republicans light green, the radicals orange the constitutional opposition, green the majority of the "Ministerials"

At the base of the mad reaction there was the terror of the bempensanti for the socialists, so much so that Bava Beccaris for this work was decorated by King Umberto I for "Services rendered to humanity". Gaetano Bresci then attempted Umberto's life to avenge these dead.

According to you, in a historical view, the socialists or Bava Beccaris prevailed.

Tremonti's “Facepalm” will go down in history at the words of Cazzola

and the embarrassment of Gentili. But the embarrassment should be in the authors who invite these characters on TV …

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The article Cazzola wants to give the lead of Bava Beccaris to No Vax comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cazzola-vuole-dare-il-piombo-di-bava-beccaris-ai-no-vax/ on Tue, 31 Aug 2021 09:19:14 +0000.