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Cd24: 93% of hospitalized for Covid-19 cured in a few days

Finally, it appears the world may be on the verge of obtaining a therapeutic drug that is actually effective in helping COVID-infected patients. But you probably won't hear anything of this latest breakthrough from the American and European media that have devoted all their efforts to vaccines.

According to a report by the Jerusalem Post , about 93% of 90 seriously ill coronavirus patients treated in several Greek hospitals with a new drug developed by a team from Tel Aviv's Sourasky Medical Center were discharged in five days or less during the Phase II trial of testing the new therapy. The therapy was pioneered in Greece because, when the trial began, there were not enough seriously ill hospitalized in Israel.

The Phase II study confirmed the results of Phase I, which was conducted in Israel last winter. The study found that 29 out of 30 patients in moderate to severe conditions recover within days, while no cases of serious side effects have yet been reported.

“The main goal of this study was to verify that the drug was safe,” said prof. Nadir Arber. "To date we have not recorded any significant side effects in any patient of either group."

The trial was conducted in Athens because Israel did not have enough sick patients. The principal investigator has been identified as the Greek coronavirus commissioner, Prof. Sotiris Tsiodras.

Arber and his team developed the drug around the molecule the professor has been studying for 25 years called CD24, which is naturally present in the body.

"It is important to remember that 19 out of 20 COVID-19 patients do not need any therapy," Arber said. "After a 5-12 day window, about 5% of patients start to get worse."

By now, even laymen can understand that the reason COVID patients get worse and end up in hospital is due to a natural body reaction to something called a cytokine storm. The cytokine storm occurs because the body's immune system becomes ballistic. In many cases, the reaction actually contributes to the patient's death or serious illness. The new therapy works by suppressing this reaction using the CD24 protein.

"This is precision medicine," the researchers reported. "We are very happy to have found a tool to address the physiology of the disease."

"Steroids, for example, shut down the entire immune system," he further explained. "We are balancing the part responsible for cytokine storms using the body's endogenous mechanism, which is the tools offered by the body itself."

This excellent news will be hidden because it is not profitable enough for Big Pharma, or we will finally be able to bring Covid back to the level of any other curable disease, if only from the point of view of the main symptoms, those that then damage the lungs and others. organs. Will AIFA and EMA, as has happened so far, continue to ignore the therapy?

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The article Cd24: 93% of hospitalized for Covid-19 treated in a few days comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cd24-93-degli-ospedalizzati-per-covid-19-curati-in-pochi-giorni/ on Tue, 10 Aug 2021 17:21:53 +0000.