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CDU / CSU: they have chosen the candidate of the apparatus against that of the base, and are heading for an epochal defeat

We are talking about Germany, also because, like it or not, they are the current masters of the European Union and in September they will go to the vote. The system they follow is that of the “Spitzenkandidat”: each party chooses a candidate for the chancellery and if this side wins, then it will be the candidate chancellor. A system that may or may not please me, for example, does not seem very sensible in a proportional system, but if that's okay with the Germans.

Now the CDU / CSU, in search of a soul, must choose its candidate chancellor who, at other times, was the natural choice to succeed Merkel. Until yesterday it was the first German paritto and thanks to this, it organizes an online congress where two candidates clash:

  • Armin Laschet, the current secretary, chosen by Merkel and man of the apparatus;
  • Markus Söder, Bavarian of the CSU and much loved from the base.

The men of the apparatus, the members, but not the true sympathizers and voters, choose Laschet, the man of the apparatus and the one even closest to the "Greens". Something must not have worked in the choice because, after a week, the polls are as follows:

GRÜNE-G / EFA: 28% (+5)

CDU / CSU-PPE: 21% (-6)

SPD-S & D: 13% (-2)

FDP-RE: 12% (+3)

AfD-ID: 11%

LINKE-LEFT: 7% (-1)

At 21%, according to this survey, the CDU / CSU reaches the lowest value in its entire history and hands the stationery to the greens. It seems that the voters did not at all love the choice, which went to the full advantage of the Greens and, to a lesser extent, the Liberals, who in Germany strongly opposed the lockdown, so much so that they threatened to bring the new health security "before the Constitutional Court. The bureaucratic and green CDU, on the other hand, does not appeal to the voters, they see it as the distortion of their position, and therefore they vote for something else. In the end, to vote for the Christian Democrats "fake greens" we might as well vote for the original.

Laschet will understand. No, and it will go on its way until a sensational defeat.

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The article CDU / CSU: they have chosen the candidate of the apparatus against that of the base, and are heading for an epochal defeat comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cdu-csu-hanno-scelto-il-candidato-dellapparato-contro-quello-della-base-e-si-avviano-ad-una-sconfitta-epocale/ on Wed, 21 Apr 2021 17:22:40 +0000.