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Change of balance in Europe: Orban leaves the EPP, support in sharp decline for the VdL

He promised and did it: the party of the Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, Fidesz, leaves the group of the European People's Party, probably to join the ECR, the conservative group where the cousins ​​of PiS, the ruling party in Poland, are located .

The straw that broke the camel's back was a change in the regulation that would have allowed, with a majority vote, to exclude one or more of the members of the group. In Europe, in the various groups, a much looser discipline is in force than in national parliaments and it is not common that, in individual groups, one component votes in favor and another against a specific measure. Rules of this kind are not considered possible.

The EPP, on the other hand, wanted to introduce this article aimed at the Hungarian leader and his party, so as to be able to exclude its members, and then better say goodbye to the company and leave.

Orban voted in favor of the VdL and the committee, as part of the EPP, will he still feel tied to this agreement or will he feel free from all obligations? If this were the case, the commission would risk going into minorities on its proposals. Anyone expecting help from the League risks being very disappointed in this matter.

Meanwhile, Orban retains its seats and its votes, the VdL does not. Where will Fidesz end up in parliament? Probably with ECR and their Polish cousins, with whom they share the belonging to the Visegrad group….

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The article Change of balance in Europe: Orban leaves the EPP, support in sharp decline for the VdL comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cambio-di-equilibri-in-europa-orban-lascia-il-ppe-supporto-in-forte-calo-per-la-vdl/ on Wed, 03 Mar 2021 15:27:19 +0000.